1. 藤の花が鈴なりに

An image of a tree in March letting many bunches of wisteria flowers flourish
[画像をクリックすると拡大します。Click to enlarge] 藤。Wisteria





2. 電力会社に刈り込まれた樫


An image os a live oak tree pruned right in the middle by the power company
[画像をクリックすると拡大します。Click to enlarge] ライブ樫。Live oak tree





An image of beautiful trees in March sprouting with new leaves
[画像をクリックすると拡大します。Click to enlarge]


1. Blooming wisteria are hanging from trees in March

Did cherry blossoms open in your place? If the petals begin to scatter, you will have a hard time sweeping them from the street around the house again!

Here, in March, trees have begun to sprout leaves and look very pretty.

An image of live oak trees which are kept intact
[画像をクリックすると拡大します。Click to enlarge] ご近所のライブ樫。Live oak trees in our neighborhood

Also, wild wisteria was in full bloom here and there. From the fallen tree on the greenway to very tall pine, palm and unknown trees, the vines climb forcefully. 

I hear that a lot of clinging of wisteria is not good for trees, but in general, in this area, the vitality of the plants is so strong that maybe there is no need to worry about them.

2. Live oak trees were pruned by the power company

There is another thing to make me feel nervous; this winter, the utility company chopped a lot of tree branches of many old live oak trees in our neighborhood.

Recently there was a horrible wildfire in California. I understand that dried, overgrown trees can cause fire, and so maybe they are trying to prevent it by cutting the tree branches. At the same time, I suspect that compared to California, South Carolina has a lot higher humidity and is less likely to suffer wild fires.

They chopped the branches rather carelessly. They didn’t cut any trees down from the root, but their way was as if they were saying “Anything can be done to the trees as long as the branches don’t have contact with the electric lines”. 

Now you see a lot of poor trees which are cut wide open only on the left side, only the top-right part or in the middle. 

The beauty of the streets was somewhat affected but I’m more concerned that the newly created imbalance may weaken some of the trees. 

However, again, it’s possible that thirty years later, new branches will have grown back as if nothing had happened.


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