振り仮名つき和訳は英文の後にあります。なお、表内の漢字にはルビが出ませんので、英文をご参照ください。/ The Japanese translation with Ruby will be below the English text. We couldn’t ruby the kanji inside the tables, so please refer to the English text for their pronunciation.



1. Four types of Japanese adjectives
2. No-Adjective
3. Zero-Adjective: “onaji”

1. Four types of Japanese adjectives

In Japanese, there are four types of adjectives:

  1. I-Adjective
  2. Na-Adjective
  3. No-Adjective
  4. Zero-Adjective

Of these, you may have heard about I-Adjective and Na-Adjective. These are by far the largest by number, and textbooks teach them first.

On the other hand, they teach what we call “No-Adjective” and “Zero-Adjective” relatively later. The words of this type are so few in number that you can even call them just exceptions to Na-Adjectives.

However, some words are very practical, so we will tell you about them in this post.

An image to explain an exception in adjectives
Also called Japanese pepper, sansho is a popular garnish in Japanese dishes. You use its aromatic berries and the leaves.

2. No-Adjective

There are a handful of adjectives we call “No-Adjective”.

You can use No-Adjective almost the same way as Na-Adjective.

The only difference is that they need “no” as the linking particle after it, instead of “na”, when they directly qualify a word. Hence the name.

Here is a list of some No-Adjectives and how they are used:

  • saikoo 最高 (the best, the highest)
  • saidai 最大 (the largest)
  • saizen 最善 (the best, the most effective)
  • saitei 最低 (the worst, the lowest)
  • saiaku 最悪 (the worst, the most unpleasant)
  • dokutoku 独特 (distinctive, unusual of character)

Table 1. No-Adjectives

WordExample as a noun modifierExample as a predicate
saikooKyoo wa saikoo no tanjoobi deshita! (Today was the best birthday I have ever had!)Kotoshi no tanjoobi wa saikoo deshita!
(This year’s birthday was the best!)
saidaiJon-san wa sekai saidai no Pokemon no korekushon o motteimasu. (John has the world's largest Pokemon collection.)Jon-san no Pokemon no korekushon wa sekai saidai desu. (John's Pokemon collection is the largest in the world.)
saizenSaizen no doryoku o shimashita ga, tomato wa yokunarimasendeshita. (We did our best, but the tomato plant died.)Tabun sono yarikata ga saizen deshita.(Maybe that measure was the best to take.)
saiteiKore wa saitei no shigoto desu. Kiken na sagyoo de, kyuuryoo wa totemo yasui desu kara. (This is the worst job. It’s very dangerous, and the pay is very cheap.)Sonna shigoto wa saitei desu! (Such a job is the worst/horrible!)
saiakuImooto to kenka-shite, saiaku no kibun desu. (I had an argument with my sister, and I feel terrible.)Imooto to mo tomodachi tomo jooshi tomo kenka shite, kyoo wa saiaku desu. (I had an argument with my sister, a friend and my boss; today was terrible.)
dokutokuSansho wa dokutoku no kaori ga shimasu. (Sansho has a distinctive aroma.)Sansho no kaori wa dokutoku desu ne.
(The aroma of sansho is distinctive, isn’t it?)

3. Zero-Adjective: “onaji”

There is an adjective we can call “Zero-Adjective” for convenience.

It is “onaji” meaning “the same”.

When you directly qualify a word with it, it doesn’t need a linking particle such as “na”.

On the other hand, we can use it in the predicate exactly like a Na-Adjective.

  • Onaji 同じ (the same)

Table 2. Zero Adjective

WordExample as a noun modifierExample as a predicate
onaji (the same)onaji ookisa (the same size)Immoto to watashi n iken wa onaji deshita. (My sister's and my opinions were the same.)

[End of the English post]


1. 形容けいようよっつの種類しゅるい
2. ノ形容けいよう
3. ゼロ形容けいよう

1. 形容けいようよっつの種類しゅるい


  1. 形容けいよう
  2. 形容けいよう
  3. 形容けいよう
  4. ゼロ形容けいよう




2. ノ形容けいよう


An image of chirimen sansho, an example for an exception in adjectives
Sansho cooked with small anchovies in soy-sauce, sake, sugar broth is called chirimen sansho. It is a popular accompaniment for rice.



  • 最高さいこう
  • 最大さいだい
  • 最善さいぜん
  • 最低さいてい
  • 最悪さいあく
  • 独特どくとく

表1 ノ形容けいよう


3. ゼロ形容けいよう




  • 同じ

ひょう2 ゼロ形容けいよう



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