Knowing the Hiragana Chart helps you learn verb grouping and conjugation.
Also, Japanese words and names are always arranged according to this chart, if you look for one in a list!
The Character Looking Like Katakana “ke” / 「ケ」の形の字
Katakana “ke (ケ)” is one of the basic alphabet in Japanese. However, there is another, very popular character in the shape of ケ which is read “ka””ko” or “ga”. It is not katakana, hiragana or a Chinese character. What’s this mysterious character?
The Katakana That Disappeared / 消えた片仮名
This is an update of a former post from spring of 2019. / これは、2019年春の投稿「ヴのなくなる日」の改訂版です。
Continue ReadingWhy Does “Ruby” Mean “Furigana”? / なぜ振り仮名をルビという?
“Word” has a convenient function called “ruby”. You use it to put “furigana” or small hiragana above Chinese characters to show their pronunciation. Here is a story on how it came to be called “ruby”.
Chinese Character “蘇” and A Fish at Lunch /「蘇」の字と昼食の魚
This is a story from the Edo Era, about an interesting kanji explained over lunch.