Chirashi Zushi / ちらしずし

    Chirashi Zushi is one of the tastiest light meals on a warm day. A traditional home dish, it is a kind of rice salad, and here is the recipe.

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    Green Pea Rice / 豆ごはん

    Green Pea Rice is a typical Japanese spring dish. It is easy and tasty. Try next time you find fresh green peas in the market! / 豆ごはんは、日本の春の味。簡単でおいしいです。なまのグリンピースが出たら、ぜひやってみてください。

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    Canada and the Satsuma Mandarin / カナダと温州みかん

    In the 20th Century, Canada was the world’s largest importer of Citrus Unshiu or the “Satsuma” mandarin from Japan.
    We wanted to know how it started, and here is our fourth post on the “Satsuma” mandarin.

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    What Is Satsuma Mandarin? / 「サツマ」みかんとは何か

    “Satsuma” mandarins are the variety that have existed in Japan for centuries, but they were very unpopular until the end of 19th Century. Why do you think?
    This is the first of the five little articles about satsuma mandarins or Citrus unshiu. We hope you enjoy the journey with us.
    Updated 3/30/2021

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