和訳は英文の下にございます。/ The Japanese translation is below the English text.

The Harvest Moon

Table of Contents

1. The Harvest Moon
2. The Moon of the Thirteenth
3. The Moon of the Sixteenth
4. The Moon of the Seventeenth, Eighteenth and Nineteenth
5. The First of the Month

1. The Harvest Moon

Tomorrow is September 29th. 

It is also August 15th in the lunar calendar.

The Full Moon on August 15th in the lunar calendar is the most important full moon in the year, so in this post we will discuss some interesting words expressing the moon.

An image of an offering for the Harvest Moon
[Click to enlarge / 写真をクリックすると拡大します] The rice cake balls are placed on a special vessel called sambo. / お団子は三方に載っています

The Full Moon on August 15th in the lunar calendar is called “Chuushuu no Meigetsu (The Beautiful Moon of the Lunar August)” and we make an offering to the moon and appreciate the harvest of the year. 

It is originally a Chinese custom. Koreans also have a grand celebration on this occasion.

Our offering is a little different from our neighboring countries, and is typically a set of three items: A bunch of Japanese pampas grass to ward off the evil, fifteen round, sweet rice balls representing the Moon of the Fifteenth, and farm produce such as taro, sweet potatoes and chestnuts.

2. The Moon of the Thirteenth

In the lunar calendar, the fifteenth of the month is always the full moon night. So the Harvest Moon is also called the Moon of the Fifteenth. 

Two nights before the Harvest Moon, therefore, the moon is called the Moon of the Thirteenth. Appreciation of the Moon of the Thirteenth(, sixteenth, seventeenth…) is unique to Japan.

The Moon of the Fifteenth is to thank for the harvest, and the Moon of the Thirteenth is to admire the beauty of the moon. In olden days, people thought  they had to honor both occasions for good luck.

3. The Moon of the Sixteenth

The Moon of the Sixteenth is the moon one day after the Harvest Moon. 

It has a beautiful name “Izayoi”, which means “hesitation” in the old Japanese. 

The moon rises about 50 minutes later than the Harvest Moon. People likened it to a person hesitating to come out from her/his residence.

4. The Moon of the Seventeenth, Eighteenth and Nineteenth

Two nights after the Harvest Moon is the Seventeenth, and the moonrise is even later. People couldn’t wait and stood up to look for the moon, and called it “Tachi-Machi-Zuki”, the Moon to Stand and Wait For.

Three days after the Harvest Moon, people waited for it sitting as they relaxed. This moon of the Eighteenth is called “I-Machi-Zuki”, the Moon to Sit and Wait For.

Certainly they didn’t feel very excited after that day. They called the moon of the Nineteenth “Ne-Machi-Zuki”, the Moon to Lie Down and Wait For. It seems it was OK even if they fall asleep while they wait for the moonrise.

5. The First Day of the Month

Many of the words from the time of the lunar calendar, such as “Izayoi”, “Tachi-Machi-Zuki”, “I-Machi-Zuki, and “Ne-Machi-Zuki”, etc., are no longer used in everyday conversation. 

These are more elegant words you would more often encounter in a letter, a poem, or a novel. Also you can use them as a reason to do your own moonviewing party.

However, “tsuitachi” is different. It is originated from the lunar calendar, but we use it everyday! 

“Tsuitachi” means the first day of the month.

In the lunar calendar, the beginning of the month always falls on the new moon, and so the night is pitch dark. 

They named this day “tsuitachi” meaning the day when the moon is going to appear.

“Tsui” of “tsuitachi” is considered as a sound change of “tsuki”, the moon. “Tachi” is the verb “tachimasu”, to stand up, and in this context means “show up”.

Note: “Tsuki” is the word for the moon, but you see a lot of “zuki” in this post. This is the result of a sound change which takes place when a word becomes a part of a compound word.

[End of the English text]



1. 仲秋の名月
2. 十三夜
3. 十六夜
4. 十七夜、十八夜、十九夜
5. ついたち

1. 仲秋の名月






2. 十三夜




3. 十六夜




4. 十七夜、十八夜、十九夜





5. ついたち









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