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Namool, A Small Korean Dish Popular in Japan

Table of Contents
  1. “Namool”, a traditional Korean side dish
  2. Recipe of Namool of Bean Sprout
  3. The secret of namool: The Korean way of seasoning


1. “Namool”, a traditional Korean side dish

An image of namool, a Korean dish popular in Japan
[Click to enlarge / 画像をクリックすると拡大します] Photo 1 Namool of Bean Sprout / もやしのナムル Photo by ac-photo

Cookpad is Japan’s biggest “community website” on recipes. 

On Cookpad, we found a popular recipe of Namool (or “namuru in Japanese) to share with you. Namool is a traditional Korean side dish and good year round.

2. Recipe of “Namool of Bean Sprout”

Namool is marinated vegetables with sesame oil. Best known with bean sprout, it can be made with any vegetable. Some mix it with other ingredients as we mention later. It’s easy, tasty, nutrient and can be made cheaply. For these attractive reasons, there are more than fifteen thousand recipes of namool in Cookpad alone.

Here we will introduce you => “moyashi no namuru” by Pukuttopukumaru.


  • Bean sprouts 500g (1.1 lb.)
  • Sesame oil 1 1/2 Tablespoons
  • Salt 1-2 pinches
  • Chicken soup 1 teaspoon
  • Sesame seeds or ground sesame seeds to taste


An image of namool making
Photo 2 We removed both ends for the best texture but it took time./ 歯ざわりをよくするために根も芽も取りましたが、時間がかかりました

(1) Wash bean sprouts. [If in a hurry, go to (4))

(2) [Optional] Remove the both ends of the sprouts by tearing (See photo 2). According to some, this time-consuming effort gives the sprouts much better texture. But a lot of people use them as is (Photo 1). However, you can remove only the root (the dark, stringy end) and keep the bud since the bud is nutritious.

(3) [Optional] Place sesame seeds in a single layer in a fry pan. Roast sesame seeds on medium heat, constantly stirring with a spatula, until three seeds pop. Remove from heat and keep stirring with the remaining heat until the desired doneness. Let cool and grind (Photo 3).

 (4) Cook sprouts in microwave oven for about two minutes. [If in a hurry, go to (5)] Alternatively, bring water to a boil in a pot. Place the sprouts in and boil for one minute (they will feel crunchy) to two minutes (tenderer). Drain completely (if you make Namool with spinach, you should squeeze the water out at this stage) and cool.

Photo 3 Grinding sesame seeds / ごますり

(5) Dress with sesame oil. Add sesame seeds, chicken soup and salt in this order and mix thoroughly. Let flavors soak in, and serve at room temperature or chilled.


Mixing in a little bit of finely chopped garlic in the dressing will make it more authentic Korean.

3. The secret of namool: The Korean way of seasoning

At Cookpad, they don’t have the rating with stars up to five as the best. Instead, it has “tsuku-repo” a shortened way to say “tsukutta hito no repooto (reports of the people who made this)”.

This recipe impressed us with ten thousand “tsuku-repo” with the photos and comments. Since this recipe is simple, people use the same technique on other additional or replacement ingredients such as spinach, cucumber, carrots, seaweeds, ham, baby anchovies, and artificial crabmeat, and so on, and find them equally good. 

Seasoning with salt and sesame oil alone is very Korean. We don’t think the Japanese were originally not familiar with this combination, but it is very tasty.

You will love it if you like the smell of sesame seeds.

[End of the English post]


  1. 韓国かんこく伝統でんとうおかず「ナムル」
  2. 「もやしのナムル」のレシピ
  3. ナムルのみつ韓国風かんこくふう調ちょう


1. 韓国かんこく伝統でんとうおかず「ナムル」



2. 「もやしのナムル」のレシピ




  • もやし  500ごひゃくグラム
  • ごまあぶら おおさじ1杯半いっぱいはん
  • しお ひとつまみかふたつまみ
  • とりがらスープ さじ1いち
  • しろごままたはしろすりごま てき



(2) (しょうりゃく) もやしのをちぎる (Photo 2さんしょう) 。かんはかかりますが、こうすると舌触したざわりがずっとくなるというひともいます。でも、おおくのひとはそのまま使つかいます (Photo 1)。また、くろっぽくてすじっぽいかんじのところ)だけをのぞいて、栄養えいようのあるのこしておくひともいます。

(3) (しょうりゃく) ゴマをならないようにフライパンにれ、しゃもじなどでえずぜながらちゅうる。つぶはじけたらめて、ねつこのみのげんまでかきつづける。まして、る(Photo 3)。

(4)でんレンジでもやしを2ふんほどねつする。[いそぎのあいは(5)へ] または、なべ沸騰ふっとうさせ、もやしをれて1いっぷん(しゃきしゃきしたかんじになる)か2ふんすこやわらかいかんじになる)でる。みずをよくって(ほうれんそうでこれをするなら、水分すいぶんをよくしぼる)ます。

(5) ごまあぶらえる。ゴマ、とりがらスープ、しおじゅんくわえ、よくぜる。あじがしみ込んだら、室温しつおんで、またはつめたくしてす。



3. ナムルのみつ韓国風かんこくふう調ちょう






Reference / 参考資料

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