和訳は英文の下にあります。/ The Japanese translation is below the English text.


1. Summary
2. “Masu” stem of the verb
3. -Tai desu
4. Hoshii desu
5. -Taku-narimasu
6. Hoshiku-narimasu

How to Express Speaker’s Hope and Desire

1. Summary

In this post, we will discuss how to say “I want/would like” in Japanese.

We use two ways of expressing the speaker’s hope and desire. It depends on the grammatical type of the object of desire: One is when it is a verb (or when you want to take an action) and the other is when it is a noun (such as “water”).

For either object type, we make a distinction on two aspects of the desire. Aspect here means whether the hope or desire is a current, continued state, or when it is transient.

Here is the summary of the expressions of hope and desire for the first person.

SubjectAspectObject of desire expressed with a verbObject of desire expressed with a noun
First person ("I")Static (present and/or continuing)Mizu ga nomitai desu. (I would like to drink water.) => See Section 3Biza ga hoshii desu. (I would like a visa) => See Section 4
First person ("I")Transient (occasional or habitual)Tokidoki haha no koe ga kikitaku narimasu. (Sometimes I want to hear my mom's voice.) => See Section 5Tsukareta toki, amai mono ga hoshiku narimasu. (When I am tired, I want something sweet.) => See Section 6

2. “Masu” stem of the verb                         

First, we would like to share a grammar term with you. It is “masu” stem of the verb, and you make it as follows:

A verb always ends in “masu” in the polite speech style, in the affirmative and the present tense. Remove the “-masu” from the verb, and what remains is the “masu” stem. 

The following are some examples of “masu” stem:

  • Tabe- (from “tabemasu”, eat)
  • Mi- (from “mimasu”, see or watch)
  • Hataraki- (from “hatarakimasu”, work)

3. -Tai desu

To say “I want to DO something” at the time of speaking, use “-tai” after the “masu” stem of the verb.

Ex. 1. Mizu ga nomitai desu. (I would like to drink water.)

“Nomitai” in Ex. 1 is the combination of “nomi” and “-tai”. “Nomi” is “masu” stem of “nomimasu” (drink) and the following “-tai” adds the meaning “I want to”.

“Desu” after “-tai” is invariable and expresses politeness.

Compare Ex. 1 and a basic sentence in the present tense (Ex. 2) to find what are special about the grammar of “-tai.”

Ex. 2. Watashi wa mizu o nomimasu. (I will drink water. /I drink water.)

First, you don’t have to mention the subject with “-tai”. It is because “-tai” expresses the speaker’s hope and desire only. Usually, you need the subject, such as “watashi wa” (“I”), at the beginning of a sentence (See Ex. 2).

Second, the object marker “o” in Ex. 2 can be replaced by “ga” in a sentence with “…tai.” In other words, you can say “Mizu ga nomitai” or “Mizu o nomitai.” for “I want to drink water”. Is there any difference?

Yes, a slight one. In “mizu ga nomitai”, “ga” shows the strong relationship between the object of desire (“mizu”) and the desire (“-tai”). On the other hand, “o” in “mizu o nomitai” marks the relationship between the object (“mizu”) and the transitive verb (“nomi-”).

Note, however, that “o” is the only particle that you can replace with “ga” in a sentence with “-tai. In other words, you can say “ga” only after a direct object of the verb.

Lastly, a verb connected to “-tai” is turned into an I-Adjective and inflects as such. Accordingly, the basic inflections are as follows:

TenseAffirmative sentenceNegative sentence
Present/FutureMizu ga nomitai desu. (I would like to drink water.)Mizu ga nomitakunai desu. (I would not like to drink water.)
PastMizu ga nomitakatta desu. (I wanted to drink water.)Mizu ga nomitakunakatta desu. (I didn't want to drink water.)

More on the use of “-tai desu” => How to Use Expressions for Hope and Desire

4. Hoshii desu

Use “hoshii” to say “I want something now,” only when the object of your desire is expressed with a noun. See this:

Ex. 3. Mizu ga hoshii desu. (I would like some water.)

“Hoshii” always means “I (the speaker) want”, so you don’t have to mention the subject.

Therefore, you can start the sentence with “mizu” (water), followed by the particle “ga”. This “ga” shows the preceding word is the object of desire. Complete the sentence with “hoshii desu” (I want), adding “desu” to express politeness. This “desu” never inflects.

“Hoshii” is I-adjective, and the basic inflections are as follows:

TenseAffirmative sentenceNegative sentence
Present/FutureMizu ga hoshii desu. (I would like water.)Mizu ga hoshikunai desu. (I would not like water.)
PastMizu ga hoshikatta desu. (I wanted some water.)Mizu ga hoshikunakatta desu. (I didn't want water.)

More on the use of “hoshii desu” => How to Use Expressions for Hope and Desire

5. -Taku-narimasu

Sometimes our hope and desire are transient. It means the hope or desire occurs and dissipates according to the circumstances. For this kind of desire, we connect a special expression “narimasu” (become) to the afore-mentioned “-tai desu” and “hoshii desu”.

“-Tai desu”, for one, becomes “-taku narimasu” only when your desire is transient and when the object of desire is expressed with a verb. See Ex. 4:

Ex. 4. Tokidoki haha no koe ga kikitaku narimasu. (Sometimes I want to hear my mom’s voice.)

In “kikitaku narimasu”, “kikitaku” is the connective form of “kikitai” (I want to hear). You can make it by replacing the last “i” of “kikitai’ with “ku” to connect to “narimasu” (become). The resulting “kikitaku narimasu” (become desirous) indicates that there was a change in your state of mind; from the absence of the hankering (in this case, I am not thinking about my mother) to the presence of it (I want to hear her voice).

“-Taku narimasu” expresses the speaker’s hope and desire only, so you don’t have to mention the subject.

Since “-taku narimasu” thus means you feel the hope or desire temporarily, it usually comes with an expression on the specific circumstances, or for a certain frequency, such as “tokidoki” (sometimes) in Ex. 4. Below are more examples:

Ex. 5. Huyu wa, nabe-ryoori ga tabetaku narimasu. (In winter, I want to eat hot-pot dishes.)

Ex. 6. Bijutsu-ten ni iku to, itsumo e-hagaki o kaitaku narimasu. (When I visit an art exhibit, I always want to buy postcards.)

In this structure with “-taku-narimasu”, basic conjugations are as follows:

TenseAffirmative sentenceNegative sentence
Present/futureKoe ga kikitaku narimasu. (I want to hear her voice [in certain circumstances].)Koe o kikitaku narimasen. (I don't want to hear [even in certain circumstances].)
PastKoe ga kikitaku narimashita. (I wanted to hear her voice [in specific circumstances].)Koe o kikitaku narimasendeshita. (I didn't want to hear her voice [even in certain circumstances].)

Note: With “-taku narimasu”, “o” and “ga” for the object are interchangeable, as we explained about it for “-tai desu”. However, in the negative sentences in the table above, we feel it’s more natural to say “o” due to the absence of the desire.

6. Hoshiku-narimasu

Instead of “hoshii desu”, we say “hoshiku narimasu” to talk about our transient desire and hope, and when you express the object of desire with a noun. See the following example:

Ex. 7. Tsukareruto, amai mono ga hoshiku narimasu.  (When I am tired, I want something sweet.)

In this grammar, you use the particle “ga” after what you want, as with “hoshii desu.”

“Hoshiku” is the connective form of “hoshii” (I want). Replace the last “i” of “hoshii” with “ku” and can connect it to “narimasu” (become). The resulting “hoshiku narimasu” (become desirous, but only used with a noun) indicates that there is a change in your state of mind; from not having the desire to having the desire.

As with “hoshii desu”, “hoshiku narimasu” only expresses the speaker’s hope and desire, so you don’t have to mention the subject.

Also, “hoshiku narimasu” means you feel the hope or desire temporarily. Therefore, it usually comes with an expression to show the specific circumstances, such as “tsukareruto” (whenever I am tired) as in Ex. 4, or to show a certain frequency. See another example:

Ex. 8 Minna ga motte iru to, watashi mo atarashii geemu ga hoshiku narimasu. (When everyone else has a new game, I want one, too.)

The main part of the predicate “-taku-narimasu” is a verb, and so it conjugates as follows:

TenseAffirmative sentenceNegative sentence
Present/FutureAmai mono ga hoshiku narimasu. (I want sweets [in certain circumstances].)Amai mono ga hoshiku narimasen. (I don't want sweets [even in certain circumstances].)
PastAmai mono ga hoshiku narimashita. (I wanted sweets [in certain circumstances].)Amai mono ga hoshiku narimasendeshita. (I didn't want sweets [even in certain circumstances]).

Related Posts

=> How to Express Desire of the Second and Third Person

=> How to Use Expressions for Hope and Desire

[End of the English post]



1. まとめ
2. マス語幹
3. ~たいです
4. ほしいです
5. ~たくなります
6. ほしくなります

1. まとめ






2. マス語幹



・食べ (「食べます」から)
・見 (「見ます」から)
・働き (「働きます」から)

3. ~たいです













・「~たいです」については、こちらもご参照ください。=> 希望・欲求表現の使い方

4. ほしいです


例3. 水がほしいです。





・「ほしいです」については、こちらもぜひご参照ください=> 希望・欲求表現の使い方

5. ~たくなります












6. ほしくなります











=> 二人称と三人称の希望・欲求の表し方

=> 希望・欲求表現の使い方

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