和訳は英文の下にございます。/ The Japanese translation is below the English text.



1. Summary
2. Expressing your own hope and desire
     (1) -Tai desu
     (2) Hoshii desu
3. Expressing the second person’s hope and desire
     (1) Recommended expression: ...yoo desu
     (2) The use of “-tai desu” and “hoshii desu”
          1) In an affirmative or negative sentence
          2) In a question
     (3) The use of “-tagatte-imasu” and “hoshigatte-imasu
4. Expressing the third person’s hope and desire
     (1) “-Tagatte-imasu” "hoshigatte-imasu" are more direct
     (2) “…Yoo desu” is an indirect expression

1. Summary

In this post, we will discuss expressions for hope and desire of various subjects.

“Various subjects” means we have different ways to express desire of the first person (the speaker or writer), of the second person (the addressee) and of the third person (the one who is neither the speaker or writer, nor the addressee).

In the table below, we organized the expressions we recommend for everyday use. In the following sections, we will discuss each case and some other possibilities.

The SubjectSection in this PostHow to say the subject wants to take an action [with a verb]How to say the subject would like something [with a noun]
First person2[Watashi wa] yasumitai desu. (I would like to rest.)[Watashi wa] jitensha ga hoshii desu. (I would like a bicycle.)
Second person, in affirmative and negative sentences3 (1)Anata wa yasumitai yoo desu ne. (It seems that you would like to rest.)Anata wa jitensha ga hoshii yoo desu ne. (It seems that you want a bicycle.)
Second person in questions3 (2) 2)[Anata wa] Yasumitai desu ka? (Would you like to rest?)[Anata wa] Jitensha ga hoshii desu ka? (Would you like a bicycle?)
Third person in a more direct way4 (1)Guroobaa (a dog) wa soto e ikitagatte-imasu. (Grover apparently wants to go out)Aka-chan wa miruku o hoshigatte-imasu. (The baby apparently wants some milk.)
Third person in a more indirect way4 (2)Grover wa soto e ikitai yoo desu. (It seems Grover wants to go out)Grover wa mizu ga hoshii yoo desu. (It seems Grover wants some water.)

Note: If you have not learned the following expressions for hope and desire, please click for related posts:

2. Expressing your own hope and desire

(1) -Tai desu

Example 1. [Watashi wa] Yasumitai desu. (I would like to rest.)

A verb connected to “-tai”, like “yasumitai” in Ex. 1, directly expresses the speaker’s desire.

“Desu” after “yasumitai” shows politeness, or the psychological, respectful distance placed by the speaker between himself/herself and the addressee. As a result, it sounds softer. So, we often add “desu” in the end when we tell our own desire to others.

However, if you are talking to yourself, or to your family or close friends, say:

Ex. 2. Yasumitai. (I want to rest.)

It is because in a sentence ended with just “-tai”, our worded desire is not coated with politeness, but naked, so to say. It is like a voice coming straight from the gut.

(2) Hoshii desu

Ex. 3. [Watashi wa] Jitensha ga hoshii desu. (I would like a bicycle.)

“Hoshii” is the same as “-tai”, in that this is an expression for hope and drier of the speaker only. The difference is with “hoshii”, we express the object of desire with a noun like “jitensha” in Ex. 3.

Also, “desu” after “hoshii” works the same way as it does after “-tai”.

Therefore, when you are talking to your friend or family about your desire, or when you are thinking about it, you don’t say “desu” but just say:

Ex. 4. Jitensha ga hoshii. (I want a bicycle.)

3. Expressing the second person’s desire

As for the expressions of hope and desire for the second person, you need to choose the appropriate one among a couple of ways, depending on the situation.

(1)  Recommended expression: “…yoo desu”

Our starting point is, we can never know what the other person really wants. Therefore, it sounds more polite and humble to say: “It seems you want such and such” rather than assertively say “You want this”.

This is why we think the use of “…yoo desu” (“it seems to me that…”), which is the grammar to express conjecture, is more practical than other ways when we talk about the hope and desire of the second person.

Ex. 5. [Anata wa] Yasumitai yoo desu ne. (It seems that you want to rest.)

Ex. 6. [Anata wa] Yasumitakunai yoo desu ne. (It seems that you don’t want to rest.)

Ex. 7. [Anata wa] jitensha ga hoshii yoo desu ne. (It seems that you want a bicycle.)

Ex. 8. [Anata wa] jitensha ga hoshikunai yoo desu ne. (It seems that you don’t want a bicycle.)

“…Yoo desu” (it seems to me that…) follows a sentence and creates a new ending for the sentence. It shows that the situation described in the first sentence is the speaker’s guess.

For example, in Ex. 5 and 7 have the first sentences, “yasumitai” ([I] want to rest) and “jitensha ga hoshii” ([I] want a bicycle”) respectively. Note the “I” here means the addressee or the person you are talking to.

By adding “…yoo desu” after it, however, the subject of the entire sentence becomes the speaker. Thus, they now mean: “It seems to me that you want to rest.” and “it seems to me that you want a bicycle.” respectively.

To make a negative sentence, make the first sentence negative, while keeping “…yoo desu” as is (See Ex. 6 and 8).

(2) The use of “-tai desu” and “hoshii desu”

1) In an affirmative and negative sentence

Basically, we do NOT use “-tai desu” and “hoshii desu” for the second person in the affirmative or negative sentence.

Just for that reason, however, when people do use them to you, they want to tell you that they know your hope and desire as much as or better yourself!

Here are some examples:

Ex. 9. Anata wa hontoo wa kono hito to kekkon-shitaku-nai desu. (You in truth don’t want to marry him/her.)

Ex. 10. Anata wa tabako ga hoshii…hoshii…hoshii… (You want a cigarette…want one…want one…)

When a fortuneteller is telling you what you are actually feeling subconsciously (Ex. 9) or when a hypnotist is trying to hypnotize you by telling you how you should be feeling (Ex. 10), they may use “-tai” and “hoshii”, even if “you” are the subject.

It sounds like they are suggesting that you should feel in a certain way, or sometimes the atmosphere is like brainwashing.

2) In a question

In asking a question, however, we ALWAYS use the first-person expressions “-tai desu ka?” or “hoshii desu ka?” about the desire or hope of person you are talking to.


Because the purpose of asking is to hear their hope and desire back.

They will naturally answer with “-tai desu” and “hoshii desu”. We form the question using “-tai” and “hoshii” to elicit their answer from their point of view.

Ex. 11. Amerika no Kurisumasu o shiritai desu ka? (Would you like to know about American Christmas?)

Ex. 12. Hai, shiritai desu! (Yes, we would like to!)

Ex. 13. Ringo, ikutsu hoshii desu ka? (How many apples would you like?)

Ex. 14. Yottsu hoshii desu! (I would like four!)

(3) The use of “-tagatte-imasu” and “hoshigatte-imasu”

There are two other expressions for hope and desire of the second person, “-tagatte-imasu” and “hoshigatte imasu”.

However, we don’t use them often.

It is because if you use them, it implies that the person’s desire is so strong that you can easily see it.

People don’t often know that their desire is so apparent, and sometimes are embarrassed or displeased when another mentions it using these expressions.

Ex. 15. Kasabuta o hagashitagatte-iru ne. Dame dayo. (You want to peel your scab. Don’t.)

In this case, I unconsciously touch my scab all the time, and my friend directly points it out and give me a warning.

Ex. 16. “Omae wa ore o koroshitagatte-iru na.” to Satori wa ryooshi ni iimashita. (“You want to kill me, don’t you,” said Satori to the hunter.)

Satori is an imaginary ferocious animal appearing in Japanese folk tales. They live in remote mountains and can read people’s mind.

In the story, the hunter was actually thinking of attacking the animal while they confronted each other on a mountain path. He was naturally taken aback, and felt vexed.

4. Expressing the third person’s desire

In a third person’s expressions of hope and desire, we can use either of “-tagatte imasu” “hoshigatte imasu”, or “…yoo desu” that we discussed in Section 3 (1).

The difference is “-tagatte imasu” and “hoshigatte imasu” sound more direct, and “…yoo desu” sounds more indirect and softer.

(1) “-Tagatte-imasu” “hoshigatte-imasu”

Grover is a dog who is very expressive. He shows his desires and feelings with all his body and facial expressions, so “-tagatte imasu” is appropriate to talk about his hopes and desires.

Ex. 17. Guroobaa wa soto e ikitagatte-imasu. (Grover apparently wants to take a walk.)

Ex. 18. Guroobaa wa mizu o hoshigatte-imasu. (Grover apprently wants some water.)

At times, it is more appropriate to use “-tagatte-imasu” “hoshigatte-imasu” for a person, too. It is when you tell someone the hope or desire of someone else who directly told you about it.

Ex. 19. [In the School Principal’s office, a vice principal is talking to the principal] Senjitsu, Yamada-sensei to hanashimashita. Sensei wa gakkoo o yamete, kaigai no daigakuin ni ikitagatte-imasu. (The other day, I talked Teacher Yamada. He wants to leave his job and study abroad at a graduate school.)

(2) “…Yoo desu” is an indirect expression

As we said earlier, “…yoo desu” shows the speaker’s conjecture. It doesn’t assert and has the nuance of “I could be wrong but…”, so it sounds softer.

Ex. 20. Ame ga sugokute, kyoo wa minna nihongo no kurasu ni kitaku nai yoo desu. (It is raining very hard, and it seems that no one wants to come to the Japanese lesson today.)

Related posts:

=> How to Express the Speaker’s Desire

=> How to Express Desire of the Second and Third Person

[End of the English post]



1. まとめ
2. 自分の希望・欲求の表現 
     (1) ~たいです
     (2) ほしいです
3. 二人称の希望・欲求の表現
     (1) おすすめの表現: ~ようです
     (2) 「~たいです」と「ほしいです」
          1) 肯定文と否定文において
          2) 疑問文において
     (3) 「~たがっています」と「ほしがっています」
4. 三人称の希望・欲求の表現
     (1) より直接的な表現「~たがっています」「ほしがっています」
     (2) よりソフトな表現「~ようです」

1. まとめ




主語この投稿で扱う節主語がある行動を取ることを望む時 (動詞を使って)主語がある物を望む時 (名詞を使って)
一人称2[私は] 休みたいです。[私は] 自転車がほしいです。
二人称の肯定文と否定文において3 (1)あなたは休みたいようですね。あなたは自転車がほしいようですね。
二人称の疑問文において3 (2) 2)[あなたは] 休みたいですか。[あなたは] 自転車がほしいですか。
三人称、より直接的な表現4 (1)グローバー(犬)は外へ行きたがっています。赤ちゃんはミルクをほしがっています。
三人称、より間接的な表現4 (2)グローバーは外へ行きたいようです。グローバーは水がほしいようです。


2. 自分の希望・欲求の表現


例1.[私は] 休みたいです。







例3.[わたしは] 自転車がほしいです。





3. 二人称の希望・欲求の表現


(1)おすすめの表現: 「~ようです」




例5.[あなたは] 休みたいようですね。

例6.[あなたは] 休みたくないようですね。

例7.[あなたは] 自転車がほしいようですね。

例8.[あなたは] 自転車がほしくないようですね。






1) 肯定文と否定文において







2) 疑問文において



















4. 三人称の希望・欲求の表現


(1) より直接的な表現「~たがっています」「ほしがっています」


17. グローバーは散歩したがっています。

18 グローバーは水をほしがっています。


19[校長室で、教頭が校長に] 先日、山田先生と話しました。先生は学校をやめて海外の大学院に行きたがっています。

(2) よりソフトな表現「~ようです」


Ex. 20. 雨がすごくて、今日はみんな日本語のクラスに来たくないようです。


=> 自分の希望・欲求の表し方

=> 二人称と三人称の希望・欲求の表し方


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