和訳は英文の下にございます。/ The Japanese translation is below the English post.



(1) “And” as a conjunction
(2) Soshite (a more neutral conjunction for "and")
(3) Sorekara (a conjunction for "after that")
(4) Sorede (a conjunction for "therefore")
(5) Soo suruto (a conjunction for "as a result")

(1) “And” as a conjunction

When you start a new sentence in English, you often use the conjunction “and” to show that it has connection with the preceding sentence.

We are thinking of a situation like this:                     

[Sentence 1.]    [And, Sentence 2.]

When we would like to do the same in Japanese, this “and” is translated by several different conjunctions. Therefore, we need to choose the right word depending on the context. 

Those conjunctions include:

  • Soshite
  • Sorekara
  • Sorede
  • Soo suruto

…We think these are sufficient for everyday conversation. The following is a brief guide to them.

(2) Soshite (a more neutral conjunction for “and”)

Example 1: Imooto wa Saitama ni sunde-imasu. Soshite otooto no Kazoku wa Ishikawa ni sunde-imasu. (My sister lives in Saitama. And my brother’s family lives in Ishikawa.)

We think “soshite” may be the most neutral word to begin a sentence, just lightly connecting it to the prior sentence.

You can use it for “and” “in addition”, sometimes (with a strong emphasis when you speak) “on top of everything”, and “after that”.

Note: In modern Japanese, “soshite” is often used to connect nouns, particularly before the last item of the list. This is due to the influence of English, and it puts a clear emphasis on the last item.

(3) Sorekara (a conjunction for “after that”)

Example 2: Mazu hoteru o torimashita. Sorekara hikooki o yoyaku-shimashita. (First, I made a reservation at a hotel. And then I booked a flight.)

“Sore” of the conjunction “sorekara” means “that point of time”, “kara” means “from”. Therefore, it originally means “after that”.

Today, you an use it to say “and then”, “after that”, or “in addition”.

“Soshite” and “sorekara” are sometimes exchangeable.

(4) Sorede (a conjunction for “therefore”)

Example 3: Reshipi no zairyoo niwa bataamiruku to arimashitaga, bataamiruku wa arimasen-deshita. Sorede, sawaakuriimu o tsukaimashita. (The recipe called for buttermilk but we didn’t have it. And we used sour cream.)

“Sore” means that matter or event, and “de” shows the prior word is the reason.

You can use it for “and so”, “therefore”, “because of this”, or “as a result of this”.

Particularly, if your sentence is going to show a conclusion or a result of the aforementioned, the use of “sorede” will enable the listener to understand your logic easily.

In a casual conversation, we often shorten “sorede” to “de”.

We say,

“…De?” (“…And then?”)

…to prompt the other person to continue his/her story.

(5) Soosuruto (a conjunction for “as a result”)

An image to practice a conjunction for "and"
Walking downtown Ueno, we had to ask for the location of a restaurant. / 上野を歩いていて、ある飲食店の場所を聞かなければなりませんでした。[Photo by Amity:)]

Example 4: Tsugi no kado o migi ni magatte kudasai. Soosuruto, mise no akai kanban ga miemasu. (Make a right at the next corner. And you will see the red sign of the restaurant.)

When you give directions or instruction, or explain a process, you generally say “Do such and such things. As a result, this happens. Then do such and such other things…”

In English, “and” can express the meaning of “as a result”. But in Japanese, “soshite” “sorekara” or “sorede” can’t mean that; we need to say “soosuruto” instead.

“Soosuruto” means “if you do so”. This is a kind of the conditional and it implies that something will inevitably happen after the given condition is met.

In addition to “soosuruto”, there are popular variations, “sooshitara” “soosureba” and they all mean the same.

[End of the English post]

Other posts on “How Do You Say ‘And’ In Japanese?”
Summary: How Do You Say “And” In Japanese?
=> How To Say “And” After Noun 
=> How To Say “And” After Verb 

=> How To Say “And” After Na-Adjective 
=> How To Say “And” After I-Adjective  



(1) 接続詞の“and”
(2) そして
(3) それから
(4) それで
(5) そうすると

(1) 接続詞の“and”



[文1.]    [And, 文2.]



  • そして
  • それから
  • それで
  • そうすると



(2) そして

1: 妹は埼玉に住んでいます。そして弟の家族は石川に住んでいます。




(3) それから

例2: まずホテルを取りました。それから飛行機を予約しました。




(4) それで

例3: レシピの材料にはバターミルクとありましたが、バターミルクはありませんでした。それで、サワークリームをつかいました。






(5) そうすると

例4: 次の角を右に曲がってください。そうすると、店の赤い看板が見えます。






「日本語でAND…は何という?」 の関連記事
=> まとめ記事:日本語でAND…は何という?
=> 名詞の後でAND…をどう言うか

=> 動詞の後でAND…をどう言うか 
=> ナ形容詞の後でAND…をどう言うか 
=> イ形容詞の後でAND…をどう言うか 

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