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President’s Green Bean Pasta
Contents 1. The Recipe 2. The Namesake
1. President’s Green Bean Pasta recipe
Courtesy of Ms. Asada Kyoko
Servings: 3-4 Cooking time: 1 hour
- Green beans 300 grams
- Egg yolk of 1 egg
- Lemon 1, grate the skin and juice
- Thyme and oregano, to taste
- Salt, to taste
- Spaghetti (thick ones are recommended) 300 grams
- Garlic, 1 clove
- Olive oil, 100 ml
- Parmigiano, grated, 100 ml
- Steam green beans until they become so tender that you can squash one between your fingers.
- In a food processor or blender, puree green beans, egg yolk, parmigiana, lemon juice, grated lemon skin, garlic juice, oregano, thyme, olive oil, and salt. Adjust the consistency with the water used in steaming beans.
- Cook spaghetti, mix with 2.
2.The Namesake
Ms. Kyoko Asada, who introduced this recipe, is an owner of a fancy olive oil store in Tokyo. She is the author of two beautiful books on Italian food and Italian-inspired recipes.
This pasta is a memorable dish for her since this was the first dish made by her boyfriend for her. Now her husband, the Italian journalist had been given this recipe by a chef who once was a private chef to the late Mr. Sandro Pertini, a former President of Italy.
Mr. Pertini was on a diet, but still loved a huge plate of pasta. To accommodate both his needs and wants, the chef created this pasta just for him!
This sauce is so delicious, so unusual, and so easy to make that we understand she put this recipe in both of her books. We appreciate Ms. Asada’s kindness to give us the permission to present it here.
Please try it out! If you don’t like green beans, still try, thinking “Yuko must be kidding!”
The only thing you need is a small electric food processor or blender. I once tried it with a mortar and a pestle but I couldn’t reach the creamy and fluffy texture.
If you make a lot, it freezes well, too. Just, when you thaw, don’t overheat.
[End of the English text]
目 次 1. 大統領のインゲンパスタ作り方 2. 名前の由来
1. 大統領のインゲンパスタ作り方
3・4人分 所要時間:1時間
- インゲン 300g
- 卵黄 1個
- レモン 1個
- タイム、オレガノ 少々
- 塩 少々
- スパゲッティ 300g
- にんにく 1かけ
- オリーブオイル 100 ml
- すりおろしたパルミジャーノ 100 ml
- インゲンをやわらかくなるまで蒸す(指で簡単につぶれるくらい)
- ミキサーにインゲン、卵黄、パルミジャーノ、レモン汁とすりおろした皮、ニンニクの汁、オレガノ、タイム、オリーブオイル、塩を入れ、ピューレ状になるまで混ぜる。(固めの場合はインゲンの蒸し汁で調節)
- スパゲッティを茹で、2と和えて出来上がり
2. 名前の由来