ふりがなつき和訳はこのページの最後にあります。/ The Japanese translation with ruby is on the bottom of this page. The Ruby is under construction.

An image of the newspaper article reporting a child comments “Still Delicious!” as he keeps eating.
This post is about this tiny newspaper article.

Still Delicious!

  1. A newspaper clipping
  2. As he keeps eating, the child keeps commenting “Still delicious!”
  3. When should we stop eating?


1. A newspaper clipping 


Mata oishii!

Mada oishii!

Mada mada oishii!       

 Words of a three-years old

This is a small newspaper clipping. The mother wrote the newspaper because she was very happy when her three-year-old first ate her rice mixed with hijiki (short, pencil lead like black seaweed) and loved it. 

From the brief comment added to the child’s words, we imagine the situation as follows:

2. As he keeps eating, the child keeps commenting “Still delicious!” 

A three-year old boy reluctantly had hijiki rice for the first time in his life. Hijiki rice is a popular dish but the look of black streaked white rice is not very enticing. After the first mouthful, he rounded his eyes and reported his discovery:

> Oishii! (Delicious!)

He had another mouthful. He exclaimed, 

> Mata oishii! (Delicious again!)

He had another and said incredulously,

> Mada oishii! (It’s still delicious!)

He continued eating, saying to himself, 

> Mada mada oishii! (The good taste is still coming more and more!)

3. When should we stop eating?

Although he is so moved by the wonderful experience, we are almost sure that he will stop eating when he feels full. We hear that young children stop eating naturally at the right point of time. 

So that we can do the same, we would like to remember the fresh sensation of tasting something good like this. 

When we are aware that we feel no more of the excitement, we should just stop eating. (At least I should.)

We (or at least I) often keep eating because as we eat, we pass the point of time at which we have gotten satiated. After that point, it will be just our brain who falsely feels happy, but our body system no longer needs it or feels joy. It just receives a greater burden to digest. 

[End of the English post]


  1. 新聞しんぶんきから
  2. つづけながら、しんじられないように「まだしい!」
  3. いつべやめる?


1. 新聞しんぶんきから








2. つづけながら、しんじられないように「まだしい!」


> おいしい!


> またおいしい!


> まだおいしい!


> まだまだおいしい!

3. いつべやめる?



そして、感動しなくなったら、べるのをやめるべきなんです (すくなくともわたしは)。

わたしたち (すくなくともわたし) は、往々おうおうにして満足まんぞくしたてんでそれにづかずつづけます。そのてんあとは、ただあたまなかでおいしいとおもんでいるだけ。からだではもう必要ひつようないので、よろこびをかんじません。ただ、しょうたんえるだけ。


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