和文は英文の下です / The Japanese translation with furigana is at the bottom of this page.
- Japanese was not one language
- The language created for “Modernization”
- The establishment of the Common Language in modern Japanese: the common grammar and vocabulary
- The limit of the Common Language: Its pronunciation varies from province to province
- Your Japanese and the nasal sound
- The nasal sound in modern Japanese
- Listening comprehension of the Japanese nasal sound
- [A game] Try a tongue twister containing the nasal sound
1. Japanese was not one language
In our previous post, we said that you do not have to remember the rules of the nasal sound for announcers.
As the reasons, we have two:
(1) There is no problem in communication if you pronounce all the ga-row sounds with the regular “g”, and
(2) The set of rules applies to only one of the Tokyo dialects, which was adopted as the base of the Standard Language by the Meiji government. Since Japan’s industrial and commercial development during the 20th Century centered on Tokyo, people used to pay more attention to the rules of the Tokyo language. Now they don’t as much.
Along these lines, in this post, we will discuss what the Meiji government’s “Standard Language” was; how common people are using it now; and how the nasal sound is used today.
First, as background information, up until the end of the Edo Era (before 1867), there was no one integrated Japanese language since everyone spoke their own dialect.
2. The language created for “Modernization”
In the Meiji Era (1868-1912), the new government wanted to develop Japan into a nation of industry and commerce as in the West. In other words, they wanted to “modernize” Japan.
On the other hand, it was difficult to communicate with people from different parts of Japan since they kept speaking their dialects. Therefore, the government created a model language for people to learn. In doing this, they used one of the Tokyo dialects which had been spoken by the former warrior class.
They called it the Standard Language and had it taught at school for children from 1903. When radio broadcasting began in 1925, they had the announcers trained to speak the Standard Language so that all people in Japan could understand it.
Their efforts were so aggressive that they strongly suppressed people from speaking their dialects and local languages. As a result, some of them have become almost extinct.
3. The establishment of the Common Language: the common grammar and vocabulary
Today, the initial goal of the Meiji government has been attained; information by Japanese media including TV, the Internet, radio, newspaper and magazines, is published in only one language.
One can understand it if he/she was raised in a Japanese speaking family and learned Japanese during their mandatory education. It’s because a common understanding of the vocabulary and grammar has been established.
Since the second half of the 20th Century, this language has been called the Common Language.
You, as a foreigner, first learn this Common Language. That’s why, basically, you can communicate wherever you go.
4. The limit of the Common Language: its pronunciation varies from province to province
Now we have the common grammar and vocabulary, but what about pronunciation?
In fact, people still speak a mixture of their own dialect and the Common Language in their communities and with their family and friends. Using the same grammar, they also speak with the local accents and mix local vocabulary and expressions.
However, many of them consciously switch to the Common Language when they are at work, in customer service, when they talk to strangers or to people from other areas. In doing this, sometimes their accent is influenced by the local accents.
It means that even after decades of watching TV and listening to the radio, the announcers’ accents and pronunciation have not necessarily been adopted in people’s everyday life. When it comes to the nasal sound, some never notice the existence of it.
In summary, pronunciation and accents vary from province to province in Japan, but it is never a big problem in communication.
5. Your Japanese and the nasal sound
We presume that your textbooks teach the common language as well.
In terms of vocabulary and grammar, that’s just fine. As for the pronunciation, the two most important things at beginning and intermediate levels are:
(1) Pronounce vowels clearly.
(2) Pronounce each mora at an equal length.
After that, learn the correct accents and the flow in tones of the Common Language or of the language spoken in the area you live.
As for the nasal sound, you can think about it after learning all of the above. If you are busy, you don’t have to think about it.
6. The nasal sound in modern Japanese
By the way, the nasal sound is used in Japan in more varied ways than you may think.
There are areas where completely different sets of rules for the use of the regular “g” and the nasal exist; there are areas where people switch the regular “g” and nasal sound carelessly and for no particular reason; and in other areas, the nasal sound doesn’t exist at all.
Over all, it seems that there are fewer people who use the nasal. Even in Tokyo, fewer of the younger generations use it. Some say that in several decades, the nasal will disappear from the Japanese language.
The prospect that the smooth nasal sound will disappear causes some people to lament it. As we are from Tokyo, we will miss it, too, but Japanese is a language of long history. There have been many additions and disappearances in the past, and this may be just one of the changes.
7. Listening comprehension of the Japanese nasal sound
Back to present, the nasal sound is still often used. You may sometimes wonder while watching TV and videos, because a nasal does sound like the “n” sound. (For your information, we put a link to a video clip of a children’s folk song to show how it sounds, in [Mini Pocket (1) or the Japanese Nasal Sound].)
Usually you can easily tell what the speaker means by the context or from the situation. For example, you will not confuse “kagi” [with a nasal sound like “ka-ngi”] (key, lock) with “kani” (crab) because you generally don’t miss a crab in your purse or you don’t go to a seafood restaurant to eat a key.
That’s why the incident of my mistaking “mini pocket” for “mi-ngi pocket (the pocket on the right side)” was rather unusual.
8. (A game) Try a tongue twister containing the nasal sound
Lastly, let’s practice a popular hayakuchi kotoba or tongue twister. Try to say this first slowly, and then gradually faster.
> Nama-mugi, nama-gome, nama-tamago (Raw wheat, raw rice, raw egg)
Below are two links of videos of different people saying this:
First one is “Hachi-ji da yo, Zen-in Shuugoo” (It’s Eight, Let’s Get Together), a popular TV program of about 40 years ago. Surprisingly, all people here are saying this with the clean nasal sound although many are not from Tokyo.
However, when we compare videos demonstrating “nama-mugi, nama-gome, nama-tamago”, many more people say it with the regular “g” recently.
The second video is read by a woman with the regular “g” sound as well.
By the way, this children’s book titled “Namamugi Namagome Namatamago” is a collection of Japanese tongue twisters and very enjoyable. So we hope to introduce it to you here in the future.
Related Posts
- The Mini Pocket (1) or The Nasal Sound in Japanese
- The Mini Pocket (2) or The Rules in the Use of the Nasal Sound for Announcers
[End of the English post]
ミニポケットの話 最終回 鼻濁音と現代の日本語について
目 次
- 日本語はひとつではなかった
- 「近代化」のための言語
- 「共通語」の成立:文法と語彙は全国共通
- 「共通語」の限界:発音は各地方で異なる
- 自分の日本語と鼻濁音
- 現代日本語の鼻濁音
- 鼻濁音の聴き取り
- (遊び) 早口言葉
2. 「近代化」のための言語
3. 「共通語」の成立:文法と語彙は全国共通
4. 「共通語」の限界:発音は各地方で異なる
5. あなたの日本語と鼻濁音
普通の「g」 と鼻濁音が、共通語とは違うルールで使われる地方もあれば、「g」と鼻濁音をめいめいが好きなように使ったり使わなかったりする地方もあり、鼻濁音が存在しない地方もあります。
でも、たいていは文脈や状況ですぐわかります。例えば、「かぎ(鍵)」 と「カニ(蟹)」はとても似ていますが、バッグの中でカニがなくなったとか、鍵を食べに海鮮料理の店へ行くとかいうことはないでしょう。
8. 早口言葉
> 「なまむぎ なまごめ なまたまご」
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