
和文は英文の後に続きます。/ The Japanese translation with furigana is at the bottom of this page.
an image of eggplant flowers
This is an eggplant of a Japanese variety called Ichiban (No. 1).

“Parents’ Teachings and Eggplant Flowers Never Fail to be Valuable”

  1. A proverb on eggplant flowers
  2. What’s the sentence structure of this proverb?
  3. The vocabulary in this proverb (“oya,” “sen ni hitotsu mo” and “ada”)


1. A proverb on eggplant flowers

Our first eggplant plants each have a flower! One is a Japanese variety and the other of the US.

Eggplant flowers always remind us of a proverb. It is this: 

Oya no oshie to nasubi no hana wa, sen ni hitotsu mo ada ga nai.

(Meaning: Parents’ teachings and eggplant flowers never fail to be valuable.)

2. What’s the sentence structure of this proverb?

The sentence structure of this saying is:

    A wa X ga Y. 

As for the grammar of this structure, please read: => An Approach to the “A wa X ga Y” Sentence Pattern”.

3. The vocabulary in this proverb

(1) Oya (parent)

First, “oya” means a parent or parents, and “nasubi” or “nasu” mean “eggplant(s)”.

(By the way, an eggplant is a symbol of good luck and something desirable to dream of in your first dream of the New Year. For the reasons and interesting details, please read: => The First Dream of the Year or Hatsuyume)

(2) Sen ni hitotsu mo (not even one in a thousand)

Second, “sen ni hitotsu mo…nai (“nai” is the typical negative ending of a sentence)” literally means “not even one in a thousand”, therefore “never”.

(3) Ada (enemy)

Then comes the key word “ada”; it has two meanings.

One is “someone or something who harms/harmed you.”

For example, in feudal days, some warrior (samurai) class people would set out on a long journey to find and pay vengeance to the killer of his or her parent or lord. That was called “ada-uchi” (ada-killing).  

Therefore, in this proverb, it is used in a sense that the teachings of your loving parents never do harm but are always good for you.

The other meaning is about the plant.

“Ada” is a shortened word for “ada-bana (un-fruiting flowers)”, and means “wasteful” flowers which do not bear fruit later. Therefore, “ada ga nai” refers to the fact that all eggplant flowers become fruit later, and are extremely productive.

Figuratively, “ada-bana” also means flowers blooming beautifully but out of season, and in a more romantic context, a loving relationship of a young couple which ends in a tragedy.      

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[The end of the English post]

An image of American eggplant flowers
American eggplant has huge leaves! Can you see the little white flower?


  1. ナスのはなのことわざ
  2. このことわざの文型ぶんけいは?
  3. こと (「おや」「せんにひとつも」「あだ」)


1. ナスのはなのことわざ





2. このことわざの文型ぶんけいは?


    A は X が Y。 


この文法ぶんぽうは、=> 「AはXがY」の文型ぶんけいのとらえかたろんでご説明せつめいします。

3. こと

(1) おや



(2) せんにひとつも


(3) あだ






仇花あだばなむすばないはな)」が本来ほんらいことで、「あだ」はみじかかた。あとでにならない「むだな」はなのことです。 つまり、「あだがない」は、ナスのはなはひとつのこらずナスのになってくれて、ひじょうに生産性せいさんせいたかいということをべているのです。



  • 英文えいぶんまつをごらんください。


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