和文は英文の下にございます。ルビはいつか付けますので、またお立ち寄りください。/ The Japanese translation is below the English text. We will one day add Ruby to Chinese characters, please drop in again!


An image of lies
Click to enlarge / 画像をクリックすると拡大します] Otters are on top of each other! / カワウソが重なり合って]

Here is a photo of cute otters!

The people who posted this added a caption in Japanese:

“Uso ni uso ni uso ni uso o kasaneru.”

It refers to a Japanese idiom:

  • Uso ni uso o kasaneru (tell a lie repeatedly)

“Uso” means “otter” in Japanese. They are living in rivers so we usually call them “kawa-uso (river otters)”. Incidentally, “uso” also means “a lie (to tell)”.

“Kasaneru” means to lay something over another or to pile or heap up something.

Also, “uso ni uso o” here means “[to pile or place] a lie on top of another lie”. So this photo literally shows “tell a lie again and again and again”.

An alternative expression for the same meaning is “uso ni uso o nuri-kasaneru”. “Nuri” is from the verb “nuru”, which means to spread thinly some thick liquid such as paint to cover what’s underneath. So, the verb “nuri-kasaneru” means to paint repeatedly. That’s why “uso ni uso o nuri-kasaneru” means to cover up a truth with multiple layers of lies.

Just to confirm: These are just expressions to say “lie repeatedly” and they are not proverbs such as “One lie leads to another”, which tries to tell us the truth of life.

Isn’t it funny that such a cute image is hiding a horrible meaning? We didn’t notice it at first sight.

[End of the English post]












なお、これらはただ「何度をうそをつく」という表現です。英語の「One lie leads to another (一つ嘘をつくと他の嘘もつかなければならない羽目になる)」など、人生の真実を示すことわざではありません。



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