ルビ付き和文は英文の下にございます。/ Rubied Japanese translation is below the English text.



1. A cake present
2. A thank you message
3. The meaning of a matchbox

1. A cake present

A kind neighbor (we are living in Charleston, SC) baked a key lime cake and gave some to us.

An image of a cake for which we gave a matchbox to say thank you
[Click to enlarge / 画像をクリックすると拡大します] A lime cake / ライムのケーキ

In the past, we had had lemon pound cake with frosting in New York. This was the first time for us to have a lime pound cake. To us, these are really American flavors.

We thought the lime cake was even better. A little juice and zest of the citrus gave a sweet lime smell and a little tangy taste to the cake, and the sugar frosting complemented and sublimated the acidity. We usually hesitate to eat sugar as thick as this, but it was actually an indispensable part of the cake.

2. A return message

They had put the cake on a plate, and we wanted to return it after eating with a thank you note.

And I remembered an old custom. In Japan, they used to return a food container to the cook with a matchbox in it as a thank you message. I heard it from my mother many years ago, and it seems not many people know it any more.

3. The meaning a matchbox

But why a box of matches? Apparently, it was much more useful in those days, but it was too small even at that time as a present in return.

It was a message to say thank you with a word play.

Matches used to be made with sulfite. The word for sulfite is “iooいおう” (“i” is pronounced like a short “ee”, and “oo” pronounced like a prolonged “oh” sound). In the old spelling system, it was spelled “iwauいわう”.

“Iwauいわう”, if pronounced literally, happens to mean “celebrate”.

Therefore, the matchbox expressed a meaning “Wishing you something to celebrate!”

Several days later, we found a cute matchbox and returned the plate with it. We hoped she would like it.

[End of the English text]



1. ケーキのプレゼント
2. おれいのメッセージ
3. マッチばこ

1. ケーキのプレゼント




2. おれいのメッセージ




でも、なぜマッチのはこを? もちろん、そのころマッチはもっと頻繁ひんぱん使つかわれていたのでしょうが、おかえしのプレゼントとしてはそのころとしてもささやかすぎます。







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