ルビつき和訳は英文の下にございます。/ Japanese translation with furigana is below the English text.
Contents 1. The title of a movie 2. An anomalous kana character looking like the katakana “ke” 3. When you read it “ko” 4. When you read it “ka” 5. When you read it “ga” 6. They may say it even without the character 7. “Home Sweet Home” 8. The origin of the character looking like katakana “ke”
1. The title of a movie
Once, a student told us that he had seen an interesting movie titled “Isle of Dogs”.
The story of the animation film takes place in Japan in the near future. It is an American movie and is made in English, but he heard a lot of Japanese for effect.
We checked its Japanese title together. It appeared as “犬ヶ島”.
“Oh, it’s ‘Inu-ga-Shima’ in Japanese. You know the first Chinese character, dog, and the third one means island.”
I said. He asked,
“What’s this katakana ‘ke (ケ)’ in between?”
“Well, this is katakana “ke”, but it is a special character. You read it “ga”. It has the same function as “no” in today’s Japanese. So “Inu-ga-shima” means “Dogs’ Island”.
He didn’t seem to understand. I thought to myself I was too quick in giving various information, and it was not well organized. I promised him that I would present a better explanation the next time. It’s delayed, but hence this post.
If you would like to read the shortest answer to the student’s question, please read sections 2 and 5.
2. An anomalous kana looking like the katakana “ke”
The katakana character “ケ” expresses the “ke” sound as in a boy’s name “ケン (Ken)”.
Apart from it, there is another character in Japanese which by coincidence takes the same shape as the katakana “ケ”. Often it is written “ヶ”, smaller than regular kana.
As for its pronunciation, it’s counterintuitive, but we don’t read it “ke”. It’s “ko”, “ka” or “ga” depending on the context. In other words, the character looking like katakana “ケ” has three pronunciations.
Like hiragana and katakana, it is a character made from a Chinese character. It belongs to a group of historic characters now called anomalous kana (“hentai gana” in Japanese).”
They used dozens of anomalous kana characters in the past, but since the Meiji era, the Japanese government has pushed them out of official use and the education system. As a result, few people use them now. However, the character looking like katakana “ケ” is an exception; we see it in everyday life.
This character doesn’t have a name. So, if you would like to talk about the character looking like katakana “ケ”, mention “‘ke’ of ‘ikkagetsu’ (meaning the character “ケ” seen in the word “one month”) for convenience, and people will understand.
By the way, if you want to type the small “ヶ” character on your computer, type “ikkagetsu” in the Japanese Input Mode and hit the space bar a couple of times. Several candidates will show up and “一ヶ月” will be among them.
In the following sections, we will explain how we use it with its three pronunciations.
3. When you read it “ko”
First, if you see “5ヶ 300円” on a price tag, read it “go-ko san-byaku en”. It means five pieces for three hundred yen.
Rule No. 1 to read the character looking like katakana “ケ” is as follows:
Read it “ko” if you see the number of the item sold together is followed by this character “ヶ”, and the price.
Formally, we write the Chinese character “個 (ko)” for this “ko”. It means piece, and we use it as a unit for counting things such as small dumplings and apples. We count them as follows:
1個 (pronounced ikko meaning one piece), 2個 (ni-ko), 3個 (san-ko), 4個 (yon-ko), 5個 (go-ko), 6個 (rokko), 7個 (nana-ko), 8個 (hakko or hachi-ko), 9個 (kyuu-ko), 10個 (jukko), etc.
However, the special character “ヶ (pronounced ‘ko’ in this context)” often replaces “個” as shorthand. So you will see:
1ヶ, 2ヶ, 3ヶ, 4ヶ, 5ヶ, 6ヶ, 7ヶ, 8ヶ, 9ヶ, 10ヶ, etc.
…very often on price tags at stores and in menus at restaurants in Japan. Naturally, the pronunciation and the meaning are the same as in the case with “個 (ko)”.
4.When you read it “ka”
The second pronunciation is “ka”. For example, if you see “3ヶ月”, read it “san-ka-getsu”. It means three months. The Chinese character “月” means the moon, and we use it as a unit to count months.
Rule No. 2 to read the character looking like katakana “ケ” is:
Read it “ka” if you find it between a number and a unit.
Below are a couple of examples:
- 1ヶ月 (Pronounced “ik-ka-getsu”. As afore-mentioned, “月” is the unit for months, so this means one month)
- 12ヶ国 (Pronounced “juu-ni-ka-koku”, it means 12 countries. “国” is the unit for counting countries.)
- 20ヶ所 (Pronounced “ni-juk-ka-sho”, it means 20 locations. “所” is the unit for locations.)
Formally, they spell these words “1箇月 (ik-ka-getsu)”, “12箇国 (juu-ni-ka-getsu)”, and “20箇所 (ni-ju-ka-sho)”, respectively. Today, the character “ヶ (pronounced “ka” in this context)” very often replaces the character “箇 (ka)” as a shorthand.
This “ka (whether spelled “箇” or “ヶ”)” has no specific meaning except that it has something to do with counting. However, never forget this “ka”, particularly when you count months. “1ヶ月(ik-ka-getsu)” means one month but “1月 (ichi-gatsu)”, January.
5.When you read it “ga”
The third pronunciation is “ga”. When we saw “犬ヶ島” in the trailer of “Isle of Dogs”, we recognized the Chinese character “島 (pronounced “shima”, island)”, and read it “Inu-ga-shima” accordingly.
Rule No. 3 to read the character looking like katakana “ケ” is:
Read it “ga” if a word indicating a place follows it.
Note this “ヶ” (pronounced “ga” in this context) has a special meaning. “Ga” is an old particle for the possessive. It also makes a noun modifier by following another noun.
Below are some famous place names containing this “ga” before a place word.
- 関ヶ原 (Pronounced “Seki-ga-hara”. “Seki” means a gate and “hara” a field. As a whole it means something like “Field with Gate”)
- 鬼ヶ島 (Likewise, “Oni-ga-shima”. “Oni” means demons and “shima”an island, therefore “Demon’s Island”)
- 八ヶ岳 (“Yatsu-ga-take”. “Yatsu” means eight items, and “take” mountains, therefore “Eight-Peak Mountains”)
- 霞ヶ関 (“Kasumi-ga-seki”. “Kasumi” means “spring fog” and “seki” a gate, therefore it means something like “Gate of Fog”)
- 嵐が丘 (“Arashi-ga-oka”. “Arashi” means storm and “oka” hill, it is the translated title of Emily Bronte’s novel “Wuthering Heights”)
6.They may say it even without the character
Sometimes people pronounce a place name with “ga” even if there is no character for “ga” in the word. Popular examples are:
- 種子島 (Tane-ga-Shima; “tane” means seeds and “shima” an island, therefore it means “Island of Seeds”)
- 市谷 (Ichi-ga-ya; “ichi” means a market and “ya” a valley, so it can mean “Valley of Market”)
Despite the absence of “ga”, everyone in that area knows that they should call the place name with “ga”. That knowledge has been handed down for centuries, and some names existed long before Chinese characters came into the Japanese language.
It’s not only about the particle “ga” and “ヶ”, but also many old place names whose Chinese characters are pronounced in varied and unusual ways. Even the Japanese often must learn from the locals how to pronounce some names of places, train stations and bus stops when they travel.
7. “Home Sweet Home”
By the way, are there any words in today’s Japanese, other than place names, with the old noun modifier particle “ga”?
Yes, for one, people still use “waga” often. “Wa” means “I” in the old Japanese, so “wa-ga” means “my”. Compared to “watashi no (a more common expression for “my” today)”, “waga” is more often used in formal speech and in writing. Also, it modifies what you feel proud of. For example:
- Waga-kuni (Meaning “my country”, spoken by politicians and such)
- Waga-ko (“My beloved child”, written style)
- Waga-mama (“Selfish[ness]”; “mama” means “with the original state unchanged”, therefore your original desire is not curbed by anything if you are “wagamama”)
- “Waga-hai wa Neko de Aru” (“I Am A Cat”; It is the title of a novel written by Natsume Soseki. “Waga-hai” is a little old word, and it means “I” spoken by a man with a pompous and arrogant attitude. Since it’s a story told by a cat, you can tell it’s going to be a humorous novel.)
- Tanoshiki waga-ya (“Home Sweet Home”, “tanoshiki” is an old way of saying “tanoshii” or happy, and “ya” means a house)
8. The origins of the character looking like katakana “ke”
Some say the character looking like “ケ” was created in the following circumstances:
As we discussed earlier, the unit for counting pieces is “個 (ko)”. And its old variant is “箇 (ka/ko)”. A variant character means it has the identical meaning as the other.
Because of this, people took a part of the character “箇 (ka/ko)”, and used it as shorthand for “個 (ko)” and “箇 (ka/ko)”. On the top left of “箇 (ka/ko)”, you see a shape like the katakana “ケ(ke)”? This is it.
This may explain why the character like katakana “ケ” appears in counting, but we still haven’t found a satisfactory explanation on why we use it to express the possessive particle “ga”.
According to our Chinese character dictionary, “ヶ (pronounced ko/ka/ga depending on the context)” is also a simplified form of a Chinese character “个”. And “个” is a simplified form of “介 (kai)” and “箇 (ka/ko)”. One of the meanings of “介” is go between two parties.
Here is our theory, although rather a wild imagination. Many years ago, some people in what is Japan today began to apply Chinese characters to the original place names. They wanted a character to represent the possessive particle, “ga”, too. Eventually, they decided to use “ヶ” or “个” as shorthand for “介 (kai)” because it has a meaning as a connector, like the particle itself.
We will keep studying on this matter.
[End of the English post]
目次 1. ある映画の題名 2. 「ケ」の形をした変体がな 3. 「こ」と読むとき 4. 「か」と読むとき 5. 「が」と読むとき 6. その字がなくても「が」を言うことがある 7. 楽しきわが家 8.「ケの形をした字」の由来
ある時、生徒さんが、おもしろかった映画の話をしてくれました。Isle of Dogsというタイトルです。
3 .「こ」と読むとき
- 一ヶ月 (「いっかげつ」と読む。「月」はカレンダー上の月を数える単位)
- 12ヶ国 (「じゅうにかこく」と読む。「国」は国を数える単位)
- 20ヶ所 (「にじゅっかしょ」と読む。「所」は場所を数える単位)
最初にお話しした『Isle of Dogs』の予告編を見た時、私たちは『犬ヶ島』の「島」という漢字に気が付いて、「いぬがしま」と読みました。
- 関ヶ原(関所がある原、のような意味になる)
- 鬼ヶ島(鬼がいる島)
- 八ヶ岳(八つの山頂がある連峰)
- 霞ヶ関(霞の関所、のような意味)
- 嵐ヶ丘(エミリー・ブロンテの小説『Wuthering Heights』の訳語)
- 種子島(種の島、のような意味)
- 市谷(市場のある谷、のような意味)
- 我が国(私の生まれた国、政治家などが使う)
- 我が子(私の大事な子供、文語的)
- わがまま(「まま」は「元の状態を変えないこと」という意味なので、自分の元来の欲求・願望を抑えないこと)
- 吾輩は猫である(夏目漱石の小説。「わがはい」は少し古い言葉。男性が尊大な様子で自分を指す感じ。猫が語る物語なので、ユーモラスな小説だとわかる)
- 楽しき我が家(「楽しき」は「楽しい」の古い言い方、「や」は家)
「一個、二個……」と数える時の「個 」という漢字は、「箇(文脈によって「か」「こ」と読みますが、ここでは「か」とします)」の異体字です。異体字とは、「個」と「箇」は姿は違うけれども意味が同じだということです。
そのため、人々は漢字「箇」の一部を採って、「個 」や「箇」の略字として使いました。「箇」の字の一番上の左の部分を見てください。かたかなのケに似た形がありますね? これがそうなのです。