We will introduce a Japanese proverb:”Your parents’ advice and eggplant flowers are always valuable.”
Continue ReadingA Class Observation Day / 参観日
We read a letter that a mother sent to a Japanese newspaper and we smiled. We think it will make you smile, too!
ある母親が日本の新聞に投稿した手紙を読んで笑いました。皆さんもきっと笑うと思います。Revised: 2021/6/26
What’s Your Last Dinner of the Heisei Era? / 平成最後の食事は?
ふりがな付き和訳は英文の後にあります。/The Japanese text with ruby is at the bottom of this page. What are you going to eat today or…
Continue ReadingHow to Make Inari-Zushi/ いなり寿司 の作り方
One of the most popular party foods, o-inari-san or inari-zushi is easy to make once you have the ingredients.
Tips for O-Inari-san Making / 「おいなりさん」作りのコツ
[print-me] 和訳が英文の下にあります。ルビ付けは途中です。/ The Japanese translation is on the bottom of this page. Ruby is under construction. Mix su-meshi of carrot,…
Continue ReadingHow to Prepare Fried Bean Curd / 油揚げの下ごしらえ
Abura-age or fried bean curd is a familiar, everyday food in Japan. Learn what most Japanese home cooks know about how to treat it before actually cooking!
Continue ReadingTwo Words for “Mysterious” / 不思議と謎はどう違う?
Last update: 2/27/2021
Continue ReadingTrees in March: Wisteria and Live Oak / 3月の木。藤の花とカシ
In the first spring in Charleston, we were very impressed by Wisteria and Live Oak trees in the neighborhood. [Fully translated in English after the Japanese text]
Continue Readingレタス初物 / The First Lettuce
In January, we sowed some seeds of Lettuce. Now they are fully grown and delicious! [Fully translated in English after the Japanese text]
Continue ReadingLong Vowels / 長音
Here we will show you how to pronounce the Romanized vowels and “n” sound.
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