和訳(ルビ完備!)は英文の下にございます。/ Japanese translation, fully rubbied, is below the English text.



1. News about Joro Spiders
2. Two Issues
3. “Joro Spiders” in Japan
4. A Japanese adage about spiders
5. How can we control Joro Spiders?

1. News about Joro Spiders

[Click to enlarge / 画像をクリックすると] An image of Joro Spider, although we don’t see the blue part. They say mature female has the red. / 青い部分が見えないけど、ジョロウグモ。成熟した雌には赤があるそうです。Image by photo-ac

In a recent Wall Street Journal, we read an interesting article about the latest foreign spider in the southeast US. This fall, big spiders called Joro Spider (scientific name Trichonephila clavata) have been found in large numbers in some counties in northern Georgia.

They are relatively new in the region, and the people in Georgia are surprised at their size (females are larger than males and their bodies can be as big as 35 millimeters/1.5 inches), their colors (females have wide bands of blue and yellow in the belly), and the multilayered webs of strong, yellow threads they weave.

Some people see their yards covered by thick laces of their creepy webs, and are very annoyed. They try to burn them, stomp on the spiders, or spray insecticide at them.

Joro Spiders don’t have venom which is harmful to people. However, as an invasive species that lays hundreds of eggs, we don’t know what they will do to the ecosystem in North America.

2. Two Issues

This news about Joro Spiders attracted my attention in two regards.

One, we are living in South Carolina, just next to Georgia. According to the news, Joro Spiders are spreading into neighboring states, and already some were found in northern South Carolina. It’s very likely that next fall, they will appear in our yard, too. I don’t particularly like spiders, so I would rather they stay away.

Another thing about Joro Spiders is that Americans call them by their Japanese name. Its name in Japan is Joroo Gumo (pronounce “oo” as a prolonged “o”).

We now spell “joroo” “女郎”, which is an old word for prostitute, and is not a very good word. Some say it used to be spelled “上臈” (pronounced “jooroo” and sounds very similar), meaning a high-rank lady of the Imperial court. In either case, the spider was named after the female’s colorful body.

“Gumo” is a variation sound of “kumo”, meaning spider.

It seems that the spiders have begun to live in Georgia since 2013-2015, and that they were transported by ships from China and/or Japan.

3. Joro Spiders in Japan

Joro Spider (Trichonephila clavate) are often observed in Japan, except in Hokkaido, where the climate is too cold for them.

Also, they commonly live in other Asian countries such as China, Korea, Taiwan, India, among others.

Therefore, in my opinion, the English name for Trichonephila clavate doesn’t have to adopt the Japanese word “Joro”.

In addition, in many parts of Japan, “Joro Gumo” also means Argiope Spider (Argiope amonea), another, similar looking species. It means Joro Gumo is the name for two species, and it’s sometimes confusing even to the Japanese.

An image of Argnione Spider
Kogane Gumo (Golden Spider) as well as Joro Gumo is the Japanese name for Argione Spider. コガネグモは、ジョロウグモとも呼ばれます。Image by photo-ac

For example, an event called “National Joro Spider Sumo Wrestling Tournament” has been held annually in Shimanto City, Kochi Prefecture. Kids bring their own warrior spiders and have them fight on a thin wooden stick at a shrine. These spiders are Argione Spiders.

In olden days, spider sumo tournaments were popular, but today it’s a rare event. As for the origin of the tournament in Shimanto City, they say that ladies in the Imperial court (the Jooroos) evacuated Kyoto during the Onin War (1467-1477), came to this area, and began this game to alleviate their boredom during their country life.

4. A Japanese adage about spiders

There is an old adage in Japan: “Do not kill a spider in early morning (Asa no kumo wa korosuna).” This is not only about Joro Spiders, but about spiders in general.

This teaches us: If you see a spider in the morning, the day is likely to be fine weather, and the spider is usually busy making a web to catch insects. Spiders’ prey is often harmful or inconvenient for humans. As for the Joro Spiders, they eat flies, mosquitoes, gnats, wasps, stink bugs, among others.

Japanese websites explaining about Joro Spiders often mention this saying and remind people they do not necessarily have to kill them.

5. How could we control Joro Spiders?

However, I personally wouldn’t like to live among Joro’s thick webs. If I feel they become invasive, how can I control them?

Some say that removing the webs by wrapping them around a long stick would be enough to clean up around the house and the yard. Doing this will not discourage the spiders; they will return and make webs at the same location again. At one point, I may find a spray to deter them from making webs.

Others say that we can first try to eliminate or reduce their prey. Spiders make webs choosing a site where they know they catch more insects. For example, a pond with stagnant water may be a birthplace of mosquitoes, and therefore many spiders can choose that area. Or fluorescent lights on the house may attract moths and stink bugs, so replacing them with LED lights may eventually help reduce the spiders.

The ultimate “organic” way to dispose them is to catch and eat them. There are people who appreciate insect eating, and who say Joro spiders can be a good starter for beginners. It is a hearsay of a hearsay on Japanese websites, but particularly good are deep-fried, pregnant, plump females. Legs are just crunchy but the body tastes a little like edamame.

I will try the stick first.

[End of the English post]





最近さいきんの『ウオールストリート・ジャーナル』に、あたらしい外来種がいらいしゅのクモについて面白おもしろがありました。このあき、ジョロウグモ(ラテンめいはTrichonephila clavata)とばれるおおきなクモが、米国べいこくジョージアしゅうほくすうられているというのです。












ジョロウグモ(Trichonephila clavate)はほんでごくつうられます。こうさむすぎる北海道ほっかいどうにはいませんが。


ですから、Trichonephila clavataのえいなにほんの「ジョロウ」を使つか必要ひつようはないとおもいます。

しかも、ほんおおくのいきで、ているコガネグモ(Argiope amoena)も、ジョロウグモとばれているのです。ジョロウグモは種類しゅるいのクモをことになっているわけで、本人ほんじんにもからなくなることがあります。













[End of the Japanese post]

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