Will the number of Japanese ships with “maru” increase or decrease in the future? We looked at a couple of lists and gave it a thought.
How to Fend Off Demons From Your Baby / 赤ちゃんを魔物から守る方法
People in olden days tried very hard to defend their babies from being snatched by demons and gods to the other world, from dying. Here is one trusted way.
“Maru” in the Names of Other Things / 他のものにつく「まる」について
“Maru” also comes on the end of the names of other things than ships. What kind of things are they?
“Maru” Is a Symbol of Perfection / 「まる」は「完全」の象徴
“Maru” has several meanings. First, it means a circle and so it is a symbol of perfection.
The Maru Ship: Japanese Ship Names Often End With “Maru” / マル・シップ〜日本の船名に「まる」がついていること〜
Many Japanese ships have a name with “maru” on the end. What is “maru” and why is it there?
“Ichi-go Ichi-e” / 一期一会
“This may be our last time to meet over a cup of tea.”
This thought, “一期一会 (pronounced ichi-go ichi e)” would make us feel sober and serious about our friendship. This is the spirit of tea ceremony.
The New Starting Point / 新しい出発点
A Japanese comedian passed away. We knew him from long time ago and we will remember him for some encouraging words, too.
Continue ReadingHiragana Chart
Knowing the Hiragana Chart helps you learn verb grouping and conjugation.
Also, Japanese words and names are always arranged according to this chart, if you look for one in a list!
Caution! 用心第一
A caution that a little bird showed reminded us of the secret of traditional Japanese martial arts.
Chirashi Zushi / ちらしずし
Chirashi Zushi is one of the tastiest light meals on a warm day. A traditional home dish, it is a kind of rice salad, and here is the recipe.