
和文は英文の後に続きます。/Japanese translation is below the English post.

This is a continuation of: An Approach to the “X wa A ga B” Sentence Pattern.

An image to show an environment where you want to describe someone with “X wa A ga B” sentence pattern
Kinokuniya Bookstore in Shinjuku, Tokyo, in front of which people often meet up with friends

1. Difference between “Erika wa kami ga nagai desu” and “Erika no kami ga nagai desu”

(1) Three ways to describe someone with long hair

(2) The comparisons

2. Difference between a topic and a subject


1. Difference between “Erika wa kami ga nagai desu” and “Erika no kami ga nagai desu”

After learning the “X wa A ga B” sentence pattern, people often wonder how “Erika-san wa kami ga nagai desu” is different from “Erika-san no kami ga nagai desu”. They would like to use the latter, the simpler structure, if the two equally say Erika has a long hair.

In this post, we would like to discuss the differences.

 (1) Three ways to describe someone with a long hair

Suppose a friend of yours needs to meet a person named Erika, in front of a bookstore. You know her but your friend doesn’t, so you must explain how she looks. She has long hair, for one thing, so you will use that information.

For this, you may think of one of the following sentences: 

Ex. 1: Erika-san wa kami ga nagai desu. (As for Erika, the hair is long. => Erika has a long hair.)

Ex. 2: Erika-san no kami wa nagai desu. (Erika’s hair is long.)

Ex. 3: Erika-san no kami ga nagai desu. (Erika’s hair is long.)

We will compare them in the following.

(2) The comparisons

First of all, Ex. 1 is the straightforward case of the “X wa A ga B” sentence pattern. Here, we confirm we are in the stance of talking about Erika by beginning the sentence with “Erika-san wa…” In other words, we will have Erika in mind as we speak.

Then we direct a spotlight on one part of her image, in this case her hair, and say it’s long. 

The advantage of this sentence pattern in this situation is we can keep turning a spotlight on her different aspects, one by one, using the same sentence pattern. For example, keeping the “Erika-san wa”, you can continue with “…se ga takai desu (tall)”, “…megane o kakete imasu (wearing glasses)”, “…kon-iro no baggu o motte-imasu (has a ma blue purse), etc. 

The second example is a simpler structure. Ex. 2 begins the sentence with “Erika-san no kami wa…” Thus, we confirm our current topic is Erika’s hair, not Erika.

Therefore, it is more likely that we continue discussing her hair in the conversation that ensues. For example, “She changes her hairstyle frequently so I don’t know how she will look tomorrow but…;” “I heard recently she dyed hair purple so it may be a good mark”, and so on. If we develop the conversation like this, it will work well, too.

Finally, in Ex. 3, by saying “Erika-san no kami ga…”, we again establish her hair as the subject. However, it is slightly different from Ex. 2. 

The particle “ga” in this case indicates that we are directing a pinpoint attention on her hair AND we have just changed the subject to this one. Another possibility is we have just introduced her hair as a new subject to the conversation. 

Therefore, saying “Erika san no kami ga…” might slightly surprise the listener because you were discussing how to find her. However, the listener could quickly adapt to the change of your subject, expecting it will return to Erika in the end.

So, whether Ex. 3 works well or not depends on how you develop your conversation.

2. The Difference Between a Topic and a Subject

People who learn Japanese by reading English explanations sometimes wonder at the words “topic” and “subject”. The reason is In English, a “topic” and a “subject” are considered very similar, but in the Japanese grammar, it seems “topic” and “subject” indicate different matters.

In fact, it is true. In explaining the “X wa A ga B” sentence pattern,“X” may be called “topikku (topic) or wadai (topic)”, “teema (theme) or shudai (theme)”, and so on. On the other hand, “A” is called “shugo (subject).”

By the way, “wadai” is an everyday word, “teema” and “shudai” are usually used in discussing music, movies and novels, and “shugo” is only used in linguistics.

Recap: The authors of some grammar books use “topic” and “subject” with different meanings because they want to clarify the different natures between a word followed by “wa” and another followed by “ga”. Depending on the context, their functions are very close but in a structure like “X wa A ga B”, they have different functions.

In this site, we explained the “X wa A ga B” sentence pattern using an image of a painting receiving a spotlight on a part of it. It was because we wanted to offer something easier for you to get the feeling without using the words “topic” and “subject.

[End of the English post]

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1. 「エリカはかみながいです」と「エリカのかみながいです」はどうちがうか

(1) かみながひとについて、三通さんとおりのかた

(2) かく

2. 「トピック」と「サブジェクト」はどうちがうか


1. 「エリカはかみながいです」と「エリカのかみながいです」はどうちがうか



(1) かみながひとについて、三通さんとおりのかた







 (2) かく










2. 「トピック」と「サブジェクト」はどうちがうか


じつはそのとおりで、それらのほんでは、「XはAがB」の文型ぶんけい説明せつめいするのに、Xを「トピック・だい topic」、「テーマ・主題しゅだい theme」、Aを「しゅ (サブジェクト) subject」などとびます。



一方いっぽう、このサイトでは、いちにスポットライトがたっているイメージをもちいました。「トピック」「サブジェクト」のこと使つかわずに、「XはAがB」の文型ぶんけい説明せつめいしようとかんがえたためです。=> An Approach to the “A wa X ga Y” Sentence Pattern



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